ph. 03 9850 8011


En France
Justpools salt chlorination and parts

Pentair Sta-Rite SR Series Salt Cell Reverse-Polarity Cells


High Quilty Australian made replacement Pentair Sta-Rite SR Series

SKU: Sta-Rite SR Series Category: Tag:

Available Options:


Pentair Sta-Rite SR Series Salt Chlorinator Salt Cell Replacements .


  • This genuine or generic  with lead will retro fit your current salt cell.
  • Both RP30 have 10 plates 200 mm long.
  • Both RP20 have 7 plates 200 mm long.
  • This new RP30 salt cell will make 30 grams or 20 grams  RP20 of chlorine per hour.
Whats in the Box
Salt Chlorinator RP Salt Cell with leads

Additional information

Weight 20206 kg
Samtigem Salt Cell

SG10-Genuine, SG20-Genuine, SG30-Genuine, SG10-Generic, SG20-Generic, SG30-Generic