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Justpools salt chlorination and parts

Taylor K-2005C Service Complete Pool Test Kit



Taylor K-2005C Service Complete Pool Test Kit K2005C.

Test at home, just like the Pro’s! The K2005 Test kit is designed for the kind of comprehensive, routine testing performed by Service Technicians and Commercial Pool Operators..

Free & Total Chlorine 0.5 – 5ppm.
Bromine 1-10ppm.
pH 7.0 – 8.0.
Acid & Base Demand.
Total Alkalinity (1 drop = 10ppm).
Calcium Hardness (1 drop = 10ppm).
Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer) 30-100ppm.
All reagents have a shelf life, whether they are liquids, powders, crystals, tablets, or test-strip pads. If kept dry, powders and crystals are very stable; acids are also long lived. Date of manufacture is not the controlling factor when it comes to shelf life—storage conditions are more important. As with all perishables, reagents are sensitive to environmental influences and will last longer under controlled conditions.:
Pool Test Kit K2005C

Additional information

Weight 4 kg