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En France
Justpools salt chlorination and parts

Flexi Foot Baracuda Aqasphere G2 Pacer Classic Zoom

Original price was: $44.21.Current price is: $35.00.

Baracuda Generic Foot for Aqasphere, G2 Plus Others – WZ2C

SKU: WZ2C Category:


Baracuda Flexi Pool Cleaner Generic Foot or Sole

This Flexi-Foot Suits The Avenger,Acrobat, Splash, Barracuda G2 Classic and Aquasphere and a few other cleaners.
  • This Flexi-Foot (blue) is suitable for Concrete Pools
Whats in the box:
– Baracuda Pool Cleaner Generic Foot

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg