ph. 03 9850 8011


En France
Justpools salt chlorination and parts

Available Pool Service and Repairs

At Just Pools’n’Spas we offer the very best of pool service facilities.
This includes everything from structural problems to the simplest of jobs. We have technicians with years of service in the industry.

    If you have:

  • Problems in the structure of the pool?
  • Does your pool need resurfacing or painting?
  • Is your pump making strange noises or humming?
  • Do you think you need a sand change in your filter?
  • Is the solar heater up to scratch?
  • Do you have that hard to find leak?

At Just Pools’n’Spas we can help you with any of these and more problems you might incur as a pool owner.

Regular Pool Maintenance:

Another service offered by us is the regular pool cleaning and testing service. This is a service offered to those of us with a limited amount of time to accomplish everything they have on their plate.

    If you fit this picture:

  • Not enough hours in the day!
  • Don’t enjoy the tedium of cleaning the pool!
  • Believe the pool is for pleasure, not work!
  • You prefer that professional touch!

The Just Pools’n’Spas professional cleaning service is for you.

    The Just Pools’n’Spas Cleaning service includes:

  • The brushing of pool walls;
  • Vacuuming of pool;
  • Emptying of leaf baskets;
  • Backwashing and rinsing of filter;
  • Cleaning of salt cell;
  • Chemical testing of water.

If you already have an automated pool cleaning system on your pool. We also offer a Chemical testing service, which at a reduced rate will for fill all of your needs around your pool. Just remember your swimming or spa pool is there for your leisure. We offer all the services necessary to make this a reality!
Contact us at for further information.