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En France
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Ascon Turmion Pro WiFi or Bluetooth Controller Plug-n-Play

One & Two Channel 10amp or 15amp Available Send Request 



Ascon Turmion Pro WiFi or Bluetooth Control


  • App Controlled Automation – With Turmion® Pro you can automate your plug in appliances. Wherever and whenever you want to control your appliances the Turmion® System is ideal..
  • Turmion® Pro allows you to remotely turn on and off any electrical appliance around your swimming pool and spa, home and backyard, farm, construction and building site from a distance.
  • You can switch your devices on and off from your lounge chair or even while overseas with the Turmion® Pro.
  • The Turmion® Pro System is available with either Bluetooth or WiFi connectivity. Both systems can be operated from your mobile phone with our free app and include the ability to set up timing as well as scene control.
  • With Turmion® you can:

  • Turn appliances on and off remotely with your smart device.
  • Create multiple programmed sequences to power devices on and off automatically.
  • Simply plug in your appliances to Turmion® Pro and begin operating them with the remote control or smart device. Any device with a 10 amp power point (or optional 15 amp) can be stopped and started automatically.
Whats in the box:


Models Available:

  Turnion Pro
2CH 10A
Turnion Pro
1CH 10A
Turnion Pro
1CH 15A
Turnion Pro
SW2 10A
Turnion Pro
SW4 40A
Model TB2-10 TB1-10 TB-1-15 TW2 TW4
Outlets 2 1 1 2 4
Total Output 10 Amps 10 Amps 15 Amps 10 Amps 40 Amps
Timing Y Y Y Y Y
Bluetooth Control Y Y Y N N
WiFi Control N N N Y Y