ph. 03 9850 8011


En France
Justpools salt chlorination and parts

Blue Haven Pools Pool Skimmer Box Vacuum Plate


Zodiac SK1991 Pool Skimmer Box Vacuum Plate GENERIC New. – SK1991G


Blue Haven Pool Skimmer Box Vacuum Plate New Bottom image is the original now not available , Top vacuum plate will work as a replacement.

One image is of original vac plate, the other image is a generic we supply for the SK1991.model as the original is no longer available
We are supplying a generic vacuum plate to suit the Zodiac Driclad SK1991 skimmer box.

  • Vacuum plate diameter excluding lugs: 204mm
Whats in the box:
Zodiac SK1991 Pool Skimmer Box Vacuum Plate Generic.
