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Eparcels Pick up Return Coupon


Eparcels Pick up Return Coupon – auspost parcel pickup

SKU: auspost parcel pickup Category:


eParcels pick up coupon

This Coupon is for an Australiapost Pick up of goods
that need to be returned for warranty repair or replacement
or for an exchange or refund for the product
Australia Post nominates that they will pick up
between the hours of 9.00 AM to5.00 PM
Monday toFriday Excluding Public Holidays and week ends

The Nominated pick up address can be either a businessor a residential address
There must bea person present to sign for the pick up of  items
Please Nominate the pick up address in the options on this page
When you Purchase this product you will be sent an Email with a PDF file attached
This can be printed on your printer and attached to the parcel
that willbe picked up by Auspost eParcels