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En France
Justpools salt chlorination and parts

Lo-Chlor Algae Knock Out 5L


Algae Knock Out For Green Blue Black & Mustard Algae 5L – 50AKO5L

SKU: 9312113000251 - 50AKO5L Category: Tags: , , ,


Algae Knock Out For Blue-Green Black & Mustard Algae.
This chemical is a Hazchem Oxydising Agent and high freight cost, So if you can pick up at 200 Bulleen Rd, Bulleen Vic 3105
    Points of note:

  • Initial dosage 500ML per 10,000, Back up dose 100ML per 10,000 litres every two to three weeks or untill it is alggae free.
  • In spa baths you add 50ml to bath water weekly and run motor/pump for 15 to 20 minutes.
Whats in the bottle:
The active constituents Benzalkonum Chloride Carbon Chain Distribution 95%Dodecy (C12) for Ennhanced Activity.
This bottle contains 5 litres.
  • Pick Up Just Pools 200 Bulleen Rf BULLEEN Vic 3105.

Additional information

Weight 9999 kg