ph. 03 9850 8011


En France
Justpools salt chlorination and parts

SP400 Davey Spa-Quip Spa-Power Heater Element Plus Parts


SKU: N/A Category:

Available Options:

Thumbnail SKU Description Price
Q400AUS-15-SP400 Q400AUS-15-SP400

SP400 SpaPower 15 amp Spa controller.

Q400AUS-10-SP400 Q400AUS-10-SP400

SP400 SpaPower 10 amp Spa controller.



Davey, Spa Quip, Spa Power Controller Heater Plus Parts.

There has been a few changes in the clocks and cable plugs in the SP600 SP 400 and SP601 , So if in doubt please send a photo through this link


  • This SP400 parts and controller is not suitable to the older style Ampac, Pulsar, Spapower.
  •  SP400 SpaPower heater controller plus parts
  • Whats in the box:
Part ordered.