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En France
Justpools salt chlorination and parts

Waterking Pool Trichlor and Bromine Spa Inline Dispenser


Waterking Pool Trichlor and Bromine Spa Inline Dispenser – 25500

SKU: 25500 Category:


Water King Trichlor Or Bromine Tablet Dispenser

The Waterking Automatic Tablet Feeder is fully adjustable to control the amount of sanitiser that is added to the pool or spa.

By simply filling the container with Giant or Mini Chlorination Tablets or Bromine Sticks, the Waterking will ensure that your chlorine or bromine level is constantly maintained, giving you safe, clear, sparkling water all year round.

  1. Description
  2. Set dial to season higher in summer lower in off season.
  3. No chlorine residue
  4. Inexpensive
  5. Maintenance free.
  6. Simple to install
  • Shipping Australia Wide.