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En France
Justpools salt chlorination and parts

Aquamatics MK1 Aquabrite Sanitization Kit


Aquamatics MK1 Aquabrite Sanitization Kit – MK1Kit


Aquabrite System By Aquamatics MK1 Kit suitable for pools upto 10,000 Litres.
Aquamatics is a wholey owned Australian Business which has been in existance since 1974. Hence it should come as no surprise that in the modeern time of pool technology that Auqamatics has released for the 21st century the Aquamatics Aquabrite System.
The Aquabrite system combines the natural benifits of Ionization and the Aquabrite oxidizing agent to deliver a safe and effective fresh water disinfection system for your pool or water feature. Units are available for upto 1 milliom litres!
Key Benifits of the Aquabrite System:
  • Easy to use and maintain
  • Non-Carcinogenic
  • Ideal for asthmatics
  • Non irretating to skin and eyes
  • Water is taste and odour free
  • Environmentally freindly
  • Perfect for indoor pools
  • Suit any size pool, spa or waterfeature
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